Restore EteSync (Calendar/Contacts Sync)

I think at this point if we were to restore the listing, it would only be for the EteSync android app. Reliability is important, and impacts directly the reputation of the site. If we recommend things that frustrate people, then people will be less receptive to all our advice.

It pains me, because I really do like EteSync’s, and I think it’s goal is a pretty awesome one, although I don’t use it myself, I am still looking at experimenting with it and keeping an eye on progress.

It may end up that EteSync makes sense for people who don’t really use desktop apps, or even iOS/maOS.

At this time EteSync in Google Play is still currently on SDK 29.

As of November 1, 2022 apps must be a minimum of SDK 31 in order to be updated, might this present an issue if a security vulnerability is discovered and the app needs to be patched urgently?