Recommend /e/OS and Murena Cloud

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Hi :wave: I’ve just been sent PrivacyGuides as a resource and I think it has a lot of good information :smile:! I can’t help but notice the lack of /e/OS and Murena Cloud services

/e/OS is a fully degoogled Android ROM that does not phone home to Google. It is not a hardened OS, but the security is good. /e/OS also documents the state of degooglisation.

Murena cloud is a complete and private alternative that can compete with Google’s ecosystem. They also sell smartphone preinstalled with /e/OS. I just got a Fairphone 4 and I am LOVING it :star_struck:

Why I think this tool should be added

/e/OS is a private and easy to use privacy OS and phones.

Section on Privacy Guides

Operating System, Cloud Services

Can we prevent new users from recommending tools? This reads like an ad, not to mention the fact that its a duplicate. source.

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I will quick reply before some of the people who are… more hardcore about smartphones do :sweat_smile:

We have considered /e/ in the past and rejected it due to a multitude of issues we have with their security. There is a good summary of these issues in our previous discussion board, including this comment with additional resources that @SkewedZeppelin posted:

These posts are from a few years ago now, but I have not heard anything from Murena to suggest that there has been substantial improvement here.

Thank you for opening this thread so that I can re-document this here on the forum, but without any big changes made here recently I’m going to mark this as rejected.


invalid Duplicate of Should /e/OS and the Fairphone be added to Privacy Guides?

Thanks for noting this, I did a quick search and this thread didn’t show up for some reason. Closing this one as a duplicate.

If anyone would like to continue the discussion, of course you’re more than welcome to there. We prefer reviving older posts rather than having multiple posts about the same thing when it comes to Tool Suggestions :slight_smile:

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