Proton alternative recommendations

I don’t have experience with iOS and Windows apps. Proton Mail Android app has been completely rewritten recently, so it’s pretty good.

Thank you for taking the time to explain your reasoning.

Final words about this topic (in addition to my previous feedback).

Considering the cost of M365 services, I decided to stay with Proton until end of my subscription date, which is until Jan 2026, and then I will check the status of apps again. If they are still similar state of now, then I will move everything to M365.

I gave up with Proton Pass, unless they make a major revamp and make it an actual competitor to 1Password. At the moment I just removed it from my devices.

Proton Drive, syncing multiple devices must be improved. It should be same as Onedrive or Google Drive. As for Photos, I consider it still as Alpha or Beta phase. Proton can say it is “live” but it is not. After the new update Photos tab was gone on iOS app, and came back hours later but it encrypted and backed up everything all over again, which took around two days. I talked with Proton support and their reply was below. Normal file upload speeds are good, I have no complaints with that.

In regards with the upload, kindly note that the application does not upload duplicates, so it will skip the files that are already uploaded, however, it will have to go through all of the files.

Checking and comparing the library shouldn’t take days, right?

Proton Mail, it would be nice if we can get better translations, like German one on Desktop app, and OS native apps instead of web wrappers. Simple example, on iOS when you answer an email, app adds AW: and when you forward an email it adds WG: which is the expected result, but in Windows add it add RE: and FW: even though app is in German.

Proton Calendar. No shared calendars with family members and no integration with Apple Calendar on iOS. Location should point to an actual location and use a navigation app or site. There is also no option to add optional people for an event.

Proton VPN. Still waiting for official IPv6 and custom DoH/DoT support. I am using Windscribe too and they have custom DNS with DoH/DoT support. IPv6 they don’t have. Apart from that, split tunnelling interface should be improved, maybe better app recognition and setting import export would be nice. Also, sorting servers by latency, making profiles with custom server groups would be very nice. Speed-wise I have nothing to complain about, Proton seems to be best still.

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Or Apple could do things right like Android does. You can go to Private DNS and specify a DoT server that will override the VPN’s DNS server, regardless of whether the VPN supports custom DNS.

The same goes for browsers, but it’s called Secure DNS, and you need to specify the DoH server.

But Apple will always be the "you’re holding it wrong’ corporation.

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If Proton even supports custom blocklists like IVPN does (AntiTracker Plus Lists Explained - IVPN Help) it would be an adequate workaround

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Well, I would prefer the current approach that Proton VPN is using, so all the users look the same. Custom lists would make users stand out.

You can easily add your proton calendar to the calendar app. Follow these steps to get a link to share it: How to share a calendar with anyone via a link | Proton

Then go to mail settings in the iOS settings, tap accounts, add account, other, add subscribed calendar and put in the link. Your proton calendar will be added to the calendar app.

I’d you don’t want to “stand out” using a VPN I would just use Mullvad with the Mullvad browser. There are so many ways you can be fingerprinted online that a VPN with unique DNS blocking isn’t going to change much.

My current setup is:

Proton for mail

___ for calendar

Tuta for contacts

Bitwarden for passwords

Mullvad for VPN

Filen for drive

Please remeber that Filen is NOT recomended by Privacy Guides. Personally I use Proton Drive for documents, folder back ups, and Ente for photos.

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