Opinions on Gaming Setup


A little while ago (as i kinda got into the privacy world), I figured out a setup where I would use my desktop PC with an Nvidia card specifically for gaming, and my laptop for the personal stuff, thus “sandboxing” parts of my life in a way. My desktop PC runs a Linux distro, as gaming through Steam’s proton is easier than before, and that’s all I do on that computer. I also run a VPN 24/7 on there due to many games leaking IPs of users.

My question is: what are measures I could implement to further sandbox the gaming part of my life? For example, my gaming PC is on the same home network as all my other devices, I feel like it would be better to put it on a VLAN, though my router/modem from my ISP doesn’t support that so not sure about how I’ll do it.


Most routers support enabling a guest network, which blocks local network access.

Does this also work for Ethernet connections? Asking because desktop PC doesn’t have a Wifi adapter. Plus, I have been very unsuccessful in finding the option for that in router settings, will have to try again.

Ah, no, guest wi-fi networks are a wi-fi only thing. Yeah, my understanding is you’ll need a VLAN for ethernet isolation, but I don’t have any experience with them so I can’t offer advice.

From my experience routers (depending on software), managed switches, and hardware firewalls all usually offer some form of vlan tagging.