Older AMD cpu/mobo or up to date Intel cpu/mobo?

These are independent of CPU platform.

Not sure if you saw the most recent one ‘Sinkclose’ Flaw in Hundreds of Millions of AMD Chips Allows Deep, Virtually Unfixable Infections

Number of vulnerabilities doesn’t necessarily mean the platform is more vulnerable, and might mean it gets more testing.

Just so you know AMD have an equivalent to ME and it’s required to initialize the CPU so it’s not worth worrying about discussed quite thorougly.

YouTube is not a good source of information for this kind of thing because you’ll mostly get privacy people just repeating what they read online.

Possibly has vulnerabilities nobody has discovered yet. TLDR it’s the wrong question, just apply your microcode updates and don’t worry about it too much.

As for BIOS/Firmware updates, you’re going to have to look at laptops and boards aimed at more long term usage, of course that kind of support will cost more.