Older AMD cpu/mobo or up to date Intel cpu/mobo?

I currently use dekstop PC with AMD cpu and motherboard. I see that bios/uefi vulnerabilities are getting more common e.g. Logofail, Pixiefail and countless other minor vulnerabilities that get patched by manfucaturers. And thus the risk of malware exploiting those vulnerabilities also goes up.
Considering that cpu/mobos do not have a long support life for security updates and that intel cpu’s have WAY more vulnerabilities being disoceverd than AMD (and not even taking into account intel ME), Is it a good idea to refresh my cpu/mobo with the newest intel producs so i can keep them updated (intel is cheaper where i live) every 3-4 years or stick with older but soon to be out of date AMD cpu. I saw statistics somewhere that intel cpus had 240 vulnerabilities compared to only 20 for AMD in one year. I also saw some youtube videos stating that intel cpus have some vulnerabilities that are unfixable and that all new cpus also come with those unfixable vulnerabilities.
Basically what i am wondering is which is better - to be with new supported intel cpu (but it will have more vulnerabilities even if supported) or to stick with older AMD cpu which will be EOL soon but atleast it is not riddled with vulnerabilities out of the box?

These are independent of CPU platform.

Not sure if you saw the most recent one ‘Sinkclose’ Flaw in Hundreds of Millions of AMD Chips Allows Deep, Virtually Unfixable Infections

Number of vulnerabilities doesn’t necessarily mean the platform is more vulnerable, and might mean it gets more testing.

Just so you know AMD have an equivalent to ME and it’s required to initialize the CPU so it’s not worth worrying about discussed quite thorougly.

YouTube is not a good source of information for this kind of thing because you’ll mostly get privacy people just repeating what they read online.

Possibly has vulnerabilities nobody has discovered yet. TLDR it’s the wrong question, just apply your microcode updates and don’t worry about it too much.

As for BIOS/Firmware updates, you’re going to have to look at laptops and boards aimed at more long term usage, of course that kind of support will cost more.


I will also chime in that regardless of vulnerabilities and issues, current Intel 13th and 14th generation desktop CPUs have issues with hardware failure that have not been mitigated fully yet. Something to keep in mind when shopping for hardware

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Are you saying Intel cpus get more testing than AMD? Do we have some info on that? If that is the case then that is a factor to consider.

There are probably more Intel laptops out there and until recently has been more of a target for research than AMD, but AMD vulnerabilities certainly do also exist.

There is no clear metric on which one is more secure.

From the security perspective it’s very simple - it doesn’t matter much. You will be exposed. If you want to upgrade solely because of the security reasons you’re out of luck.
You can make your system harden enough to most of these vulnerabilities to simply not matter at all(google for Qubes, dasharo, etc). But it’s a tradeoff and not for everyone and requires knowledge that will come only with experience.