Need Help Choosing DNSCrypt Servers in InviZible Pro for Maximum Privacy!

I’m totally lost on which DNSCrypt servers to pick in InviZible Pro.

I ticked some Cloudflare and Quad9 servers(non-logging, non-filtering, DNSSEC), some are DoH and others are DNSCrypt. I also randomly selected some anonymization relays.

Can anyone help me out with a solid guide to boost my network privacy and security with InviZible Pro?

Privacyguides got few dns resolvers listed here

Quad9 are listed there so I’d use it. While cloudflare are listed too, between the two i personally trust quad9 more.

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Personally, I am prioritizing having resolution in my country for speed reasons. Right now, I am using Cloudflare ipv6 and Control id ipv4."

I still recommend Quad9 or DNS0 for their blocking capabilities: