For a win11 virtualbox which is more secure. Sorry for a lot of questions recently in different threads

I would advise against using VirtualBox.

why exactly? I dont recall VirtualBox ever being insecure and besides VMware no longer exists no matter what justification you bring. (Not to mention they said they’re on windows, KVM is not an option)

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o and o shutup + win11 debloat will exactly lock it down + a local account

would it be respectful to ask if you use windows 11 pro or similar edition?

Sure, the device im using to access this website has no ties to my pc. Im using win11 home with a local account
Edit: im still using mullvad here, also not trying to hint at any illegal activity just clearing things up

Hi, sorry your question went unanswered. There’s not really a security difference between NAT and Bridged networking.


there is a little bit security benefit, for instance NAT is the best if you dont want your VM to be discovered on the network but can still access the internet, on the other hand Bridged uses your Host network interfaces meaning the VM can be discovered.

You’re right that bridged mode allows the VM to participate directly with the host’s network, but thats the definition of what bridged mode does, and i felt it went without saying.

If someone doesnt know what NAT or bridged networking means, they should just use NAT.