Been using a PIN for primary unlock and fingerprint + PIN for secondary unlock for a few days. At least for me, this is kind of confusing and results in poor OPSEC.
I kind of get confused between those two PINs, and my brain also treats them equally as important, which I don’t want.
I decided to go with this setup instead:
A two-word diceware passphrase for primary unlock and a fingerprint + PIN for secondary unlock. Basically, if I need to type a passphrase, I should be aware of my surroundings and that nobody can capture my passphrase, but for a fingerprint + PIN, it doesn’t matter because an attacker would need both my fingerprint and the PIN, and they only have 5 attempts before my phone falls back to the primary unlock.
I believe that this setup gives the best balance between security and convenience for 99.99% of people who don’t need to worry about their adversaries having the ability to bypass Weaver throttling.