Mullvad Browser; Adding Bitwarden, Ublock Origin lists?

Sorry, I’m not a browser expert.

I have seen the latest recommendation to use the Mullvad browser. This is good. However, I have a few questions. I know that adding/personalizing the browser usually refutes the reason why it exists because it makes the browser’s fingerprint more unique.

However, I have two questions. First, does this apply to the addition of Bitwarden? Since Bitwarden is recommended elsewhere on the site, it’s great for keeping your account safe and logged in. Another question is whether activating further included Ublock origin lists increases the fingerprint. Because I personally hate advertising passionately and prefer to enable all included ublock origin source lists.

You shouldn’t be adding any extensions to it.


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Yeah, unfortunately making changes like that will virtually always be detectable. If the default experience doesn’t work for you, using Arkenfox is a good alternative that will probably be better suited for cases like this.

I’m working on a browser fingerprinting guide that will hopefully be able to provide more insight into this stuff in the future, for now the Arkenfox Wiki on GitHub is a good resource for learning about this kind of thing, albeit a bit technical at times.

Mullvad browser runs in an always private mode , So signing into websites is not going to be so useful for you.
So installing the extension on MB would also not be useful.
Its better to use another browser like firefox+arkenfox for logins.

Can sites really detect extensions? If you search how to detect extensions using JS, all posts are from a decade ago. I don’t expect any of those techniques to work on modern browsers, even Chrome. Of course, adblock extensions change what parts of the site load or not, but how would they detect password managers?

Can sites really detect extensions?

Not directly. This is a common misconception.

Many people imagine websites can view all your installed extensions. My understanding is that this is not possible, and not what people mean when they say that extensions can make your fingerprint more unique.

What is true, is that many extensions (an adblocker for example) will make your fingerprint more unique, because they alter the content of a web page or web traffic. Whether this is true for a particular extension or not will depend on the particular extension in question.

Not all extensions are created equal, not all extensions will be modifying webpages in ways visible to the server. At least that is my understanding, I’m not an expert, it’s just something I looked into a bit a year or two ago when I had the same question as you.

Of course, adblock extensions change what parts of the site load or not, but how would they detect password managers?

It is not clear to me whether something like a password manager would negatively impact fingerprinting (especially if autofill was not enabled). I’m not saying it wouldn’t, I just honestly don’t know.

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