For those (me included) who want to still be “recognized” for being a regular member who participates in, engages with, and helps others in the forum - perhaps you could have a different “label” other than just “regulars” because that can be gained by anyone who is simply active but not quite as engaging or helpful.
I hope that is clear?
In other words, this would be beneficial to all who can better recognize, who is who and why.
I hope you consider this free perk that’s more than what we have now for those who don’t pay or can’t afford to pay but yet are actively contributing members of the forum adding value to it nonetheless.
Please consider it before dismissing it. Thank you!
Aren’t trusted members already recognized as community moderators. I think making a distinction between active non-moderating members is too subjective and can easily backfire.
Firstly, Regular is actually a fairly high bar requiring a certain amount of likes, posts, views, and overall activity; and not just a total amount, but a certain amount has to have occurred recently as well. The fact that we seem to have so many Regulars is just a testament to how engaging and helpful this community is in general, not a sign that it’s a less valuable role
Note that right now there are only 29 Regulars, so you are already a real 1%er
Secondly, we do have badges for people who answer questions, namely the Privacy Wizard and Privacy Genius badges
These badges can be used as titles too, and are a way to recognize people who spend their time here helping others on their privacy journey. I do see a few people using these titles from time to time.
If you have any other ideas for how we can improve this or anything else, let me know.
Regulars get some basic moderator abilities like the ability to recategorise and rename topics. They also have more powerful flags so posts they flag are likely to be hidden quicker without moderator intervention.