Mobile privacy

Not here. You can use something like this or this solutions. Root really can make your security more weak.

Personally I setup that hosts file on my Mudi router, so I don’t need to modify system partition via root.

Also if someone runs Adguard home on Mudi (as plugin) or similar router I strongly recommend to install this blocklist that will block phishing (info about it).

I blocked fully Meta, Google, Twitter and Microsoft servers (domains and IPs). Also I blocked some crap similar to booking[dot]com.

This also blocked via Adguard Home on my Mudi and by adblock extension in my browser.

Does that use your VPN slot though?

That’s not really ideal when you’re not at home.

I wonder how anything that uses GCP or Azure works then, or are you okay with half the internet not working. In any case there’s still plenty of smaller companies that are not household names, that nobody really talks about.


Yes, that’s on of cons

I never connect to anything without Mudi. Firstly, I simply can use free Proton VPN plan to have VPN on many devices, secondly Mudi has some software that spoof my IMEI and MAC which will make me more anonymous.

Luckily, only few websites. As I see most websites working fine. Only reCAPTCHA not loading :sweat_smile:

Unless you’re regularly changing the SIM and buying that also in a way that doesn’t lead back to you, I can’t really see that doing a lot. The SIM still has an ICCID that can’t be changed.

It’s also not really gaining much anyway, as it’s not like the service provider can penetrate anything in the application layer or higher. If you used the Tor Browser they wouldn’t know much more/or less other than you’re using an internet connection to push some encrypted data.


By default IMEI in blue merle plugin switches only if SIM changes. I don’t need this type of configuration to even swap SIMs. This feature necessary to prevent another provider from registering me in logs if I am travelling for example.

The main purpose of my Mudi is have VPN even on those devices that can’t have VPN setup on them (for example smart watch etc) and control traffic via firewall to reject everything that I don’t need now. For example block port 80 to force everything work only via HTTPS (it can be troublesome but I did not get much problems because of it)

I know. But I don’t want my ISP or even government know that I am using Tor. So OBFS4 moat + VPN on router to prevent DPI find out that that is Tor connection.

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That’s fair I suppose, but they wouldn’t need to track you via IMEI when they can just track by the SIM. Unless you’re also going to the expense/extent of anonymously purchasing the SIM cards.

Fair usecase.

That I suppose is a good idea, depending on where you are.

If I am abroad I just purchase temporary SIM (roaming is expensive btw). So this is really important not to link my real SIM with temporary one.

I recommend you not to use Signal. Maybe it will sound mad but it requires phone number. Telegram support anonymous number (only ans login, it is not real number) and usage only username.

Here is link (not clickable not to be an ad):

Signal wants to add usernames but it will also ask for phone number.

Personally I recommend following:

  • Never reveal phone number. Period.
  • Never reveal real mail
  • Never reveal real information about yourself

About Signal. As I read, you are using router that supports SMS receive/forward so for you Signal probably will not be a problem. But keep in mind that it requires phone number and using Amazon services wich will probably make you less private (IP revealing to not really private corporation)

Also, there is an incident with Twilio that affected Signal. Twilio also owns Authy which has a lot of privacy issues.

Instead use Wire (Signal protocol, but registration via Email) or Telegram via anonymous phone number (keep in mind that you must not send anything private in Telegram unless you’re using secret chat)

Even if you do not like Signal, you should consider one of the other encrypted messengers instead of Telegram. While the secret chats are E2EE Telegram communications may be exposed in channels, groups, and chats.

Ahh yes, never reveal any information about yourself, so simple…How is this not the only thing in the recommendation page? :roll_eyes:


I genuinely don’t understand the snowden larpers who recommend Telegram. it screams of a confused and nonsensical threat model if it exists.

This may be harsh but if anyone criticises Signal solely on the phone number req, but says zero about metadata (which most other messengers are worse on), they’re just spreading bs – like, telegram doesn’t even have e2ee across all chats, let alone protecting metadata in any way like sealed sender is designed to do. Even a matrix chat would be better at that point (just kidding, state resets exist lol)


Me too. Signal for now is one of the most trustworthy app which is fully open source and doesn’t have any commercial crap.

For now the only issue with Signal is that I can’t hide my number from other users. But it seems they working on solving this.

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Isn’t that only an issue for very large rooms where huge numbers of people use the homeserver?

yeah pretty much; if you’re just using it for direct messages, all you’ll run into is failed to decrypt message randomly

Have been using it a lot these days that’s pretty rare to the point where I can’t remember when it last happened.

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I’m in an encrypted group chat with like 10 people active, it happens like once a week for me LOL

I haven’t seen it in a while either

Do you have Termux installed? If so, look into proot-distro and set up a proot linux desktop within Termux. I did write a basic bash script some time ago that automates a proot debian XFCE install with libre office, vscode, firefox, and other utils. I think I posted it to r/termux. Anyway, proot-distro isnt that difficult.

Oh, I was looking for something like that. Can you share more information?

Can you share it? Hope this will make everything easier :slight_smile:

I know that, but I never thought about installing it. 125/8 will be enough memory?

Yes, that is enough memory. It works well as a laptop replacement for basic things, but you won’t be 3d rendering or anything like that.

I don’t think I am allowed to post a link, but if you send me an email to my username here at, I’ll pass it on to you.

There are some caveats to proot, mainly that web browser and vscode sandboxes need to be disabled, which my script does, that reduces your security.