Microsoft 365’s VPN feature will be shut off at the end of the month | Ars Technica

Microsoft Defender’s VPN will be discontinued due to limited usage.

But Microsoft giveth (and chargeth more) and Microsoft taketh away; according to a support page, the company is also removing the “privacy protection” VPN feature from Microsoft 365’s Microsoft Defender app for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. Other Defender features, including identity theft protection and anti-malware protection, will continue to be available. Privacy protection will stop functioning on February 28.

Microsoft didn’t say exactly why it was removing the feature, but the company implied that not enough people were using the service.

This shouldn’t be a concern for most folks here thankfully. At the end of day, dedicated VPN providers are much more reliable.

I imagine there will be a few companies who will stop offering their VPN features, since everyone and their grandma offers one nowadays. There are only so many VPNs people are gonna use simultaneously…