Kuketz - GrapheneOS: The Gold Standard Among Android ROMs – Custom ROMs

7. Conclusion

GrapheneOS sets standards in terms of security and data protection that are unmatched by any other Android system. Nevertheless, the system is not designed exclusively for security and data protection freaks. It offers an alternative for anyone who wants to have more control over their data and free themselves from dependence on Google. If some apps still rely on Google Play Services, they can simply be installed together with the Sandboxed Play Services in the work profile. This may not be the optimal solution, but it is at least a significant difference from conventional Android systems, where users are constantly monitored .

There is no doubt that GrapheneOS is currently the most secure and privacy-friendly custom ROM or Android system. The icing on the cake would be if the requirement to use a Google device were lifted and GrapheneOS stuck to its plans to bring its own devices to market. That’s actually the only point where I have anything to criticize - complaining at a high level.


Personally I wish Vanadium had an adblocker. As it is now, it’s Chrome with extra hardening.

That is neat and all, but I also hate ads.

The next best thing seems to be a WebView browser like DDG.


please do not use a webview browser, they cannot provide any per-site process isolation. you might as well use a Firefox fork then.


Great. Guess it will take some time for an adblocker in Vanadium then.

Kind of wish the Bromite conflict had been avoided so that Vanadium could have used their adblocker. Oh well.

Bromite Conflict?


I believe this is a work in progress content filtering using the built-in filtering engine · Issue #10 · GrapheneOS/Vanadium · GitHub

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