"I have refused to carry any sort of cellular phone" -rms

Unsafe but used by 58% percent of Privacy Guides community including @jonah: How do you obtain your Android applications

The percentage would be a lot higher, but F-Droid only includes FLOSS apps, and the proprietary ones are only on the Play Store.

One more thing is that a large percentage of people just read that article and decided that “F-Droid is bad” without properly threat modeling for themselves.

More reading: Are F-Droid security concerns still valid or have they been mitigated? - #4 by Lukas

Not many because Obtainium isn’t a proper app store like F-Droid or the Play Store, and it doesn’t have any inclusion criteria like those two. You can install and find any garbage on the internet.

Some reading: Obtainium (Android App Downloader) - #34 by SkewedZeppelin


Do you know how and why they will be isolated? If they will be at all.

Edit: I forgot to mention that if you installed some Proton apps from their site, not GitHub, then they might not update automatically because Obtainium just uses web scraping for these kinds of downloads.