How to update all applications on Windows?

I tried to use Winget but it only update the system apps and open source apps -not all of them btw- but what about proprietary apps and other open source ones, Any good alternative?

I use choco in comma d line and it’s good enough for me. I use it to save time and to be more up to date on many software. Choco update is all there is needed for 20 software. I do not use it for every software. Some software come with their built in updater that is faster tham choco (is your web browser). Other are not available or are not up to date in Choco. Sometime updating outside of choco will require another update, since Chico does not track the version (in free version) of software.

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Is Choco different from Chocolatey?

Adding to this, WinGetUI is quite useful for managing winget, scoop, chocolatey, pip, npm, and recently added powershell gallery.

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Chocolatey is the same as choco. Choco is the name of the program in command line, but there is also a graphical user interface…

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Yes, use Chocolatey to install/update your packages.
If you don’t like using the terminal for this, or you prefer a more graphical way, you can install a package for that.

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Alternatively, you could just use linux :slight_smile: