Harley Davidson

Hey I was thinking about buying a new Harley Davidson nigtster 2022-2024 I was wondering how big privacy nightmare that is. I was looking at their Privacy Policy. I can pretty must only find something about a phone app, which I have no intention of using.

Location Data
“To support the H-D™ Connect and Vehicle Integration Services, we will periodically obtain location data from your vehicle. You should not subscribe to H-D™ Connect if you do not agree to have this location data collected. If you place your vehicle into Stolen Vehicle mode, our systems will collect the location of your vehicle more frequently. You should not place your vehicle into Stolen Vehicle mode if you do not agree to have this location data collected.”

Firmware over the Air (FOTA)
“Information about software updates that are sent to your vehicle, including whether the update is successful.”

Do they phone home to HD without the app?

what do they mean by “and Vehicle Integration Services” ?

“Firmware over the Air (FOTA)” does this mean that they have a cellular connection or is it over the app?

If anyone want to look at their website Privacy Policy | Harley-Davidson UK

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