Guide for I2P similar to the one which exists for Tor (using GOS)?

I was wondering if anyone would mind recommending which browser to use and how to set it up for I2P, ideally for GrapheneOS. The actual project website explanation on usage on Android is somewhat confusing given the extensions linked appear to be desktop-only and they mention Firefox on Android not being able to use about:config anymore. Since Vanadium allows for chromeflags to be accessed, can it be used? And if so which flags to I flip? Thank you.

If you are considering using a third-party open source client, you can use GitHub - Gedsh/InviZible: Android application for online privacy and security. It can be used with any browser, like Cromite. Also, if you want to use a browser for I2P only, which is a good idea, I would recommend in the app firewall to only allow LAN for this browser so that this browser can only access local network, onion and i2p sites. Home · Gedsh/InviZible Wiki · GitHub.

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