Frontends questions

I already checked on PG recommandations, but it’s still nebulous to me.

How do frontends work?

I started using Grayjay (I still use the Google Playstore for now), but the app still asked me to login because the BS bot thing of Youtube “please login so we know you’re not a bot”). I thought using a frontend would prevent that sort of thing.

So a couple of questions:

  1. What does a frontend do technically (but ELI5 please)?
  2. Is there a way to circumvent logging in to Youtube on Android?
  3. Would FreeTube on desktop ever ask me to log in?
  4. If I’m on a random VPN and I use a frontend like FreeTube, is only Freetube aware of my IP and videos being watched? What information is sent to Youtube in order for it to transmit the video back?

Edit: #2 and #3 are answered here: How to watch youtube while always-on VPN is present?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

It avoids or minimize tracking by accessing content in more private ways.

Try to enable UMP stream under the youtube plugin settings.

The latest Freetube nightly works nicely.

Freetube uses your ip to request youtube the video you need but having no account it can’t track you, that’s the pourpouse of a frontend.


Sorry, my #2 question was worded poorly, but it seems there are no ways other then switching IPs: How to watch youtube while always-on VPN is present?

Follow-up question:

What is the difference between using the main Youtube app on VPN versus a frontend with a VPN. Both will use my IP to provide me the video and both will also ask me to login if it’s on their banned IP list. I’m still not sure to understand the use of a frontend.

This is a recent YouTube change problem so frontends are adapting and it takes time.
Normally you don’t have to log in with a frontend and as I already noted in my previous answer, Freetube seems to have resolved the issue in the latest nightly. Also grayjay is working fine for me with the ump enabled, no more errors and rotating ip needed.
Could be luck though, I’ll hold my breath and test some more.

Please note that the YouTube app has more ways to track you, like logging searches, clicks, etc. also feeding you ads.
You don’t have to know how to use a frontend, it is supposed to just work without the privacy unfriendly stuff.

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So basically, the solution for the logging issue would be waiting or switching IPs for now.

As for Youtube tracking, if you’re not logged in on an account and on a good VPN, do I understand correctly that using Youtube doesn’t really matter (except for ads)? Logging searches while on VPN doesn’t do anything and same with clicks since you’d be using a blended IP.

No, the YouTube app can tracks you even without an account using unique identifiers for example. Using a VPN will not magically stop tracking, fingerprinting and profiling.

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Ok thanks!

I can’t find it, could you be more specific?
