can Fingerprint me when I use Tor can still see that I’m the same person even when I restart Tor and change IP and if I change the safe levels. I don’t have any extensions added.

Tor is meant to show everyone as the same person. That’s how and why it works with the Tor network.

Also, not recommended to change any settings within Tor - default is best.

idk on Tor Browser has been effective for me, if you need to beat it this is ideal.
However, this is not in any way represantative that you;re getting away with fingerprinting
Brave is NOT fingerprint resistant enough

The results you are seeing are their best guesses. In the case of Tor Browser, it appears the results they show are unreliable.

I just tried to replicate your experience and:

  1. My first visit to the website using Tor Browser, I got the “Welcome Back, this is your 4th visit” message.
  2. After closing and reopening Tor Browser with a new Tor Circuit, I got the "Welcome back, this is your 3rd* visit message

This indicates to me, that (1) Fingerprint[dot]coms script struggles to reliably differentiate different Tor Browser users connecting from the same exit node, and (2) the script struggles to reliably link a single Tor Browser user across multiple browsing sessions.

I just tested with Safest, the website doesn’t even load fully. If you meant it detected you in Safe and Safer, that is expected behavior.

Safest disable javascript. That’s why. This test is for when you use websites with javascript enabled so testing it with Safest won’t address OP’s issue.

Pls use the search function. This has been discussed several times. Spoiler: no, it can’t.