Domain service choice

I’m not sure how to ask this question correctly or if I chose the correct topic, so please excuse me. I value this site and community.

My question: I have been signed up and using a DNS service (DynDNS - Oracle) since 2010 for personal use.
Use case: I access my home Security PC. The DNS service tracks and allows access while my ISP changes the IP address.

Is there a smarter, more privacy focused DNS service I should consider? I tried reading the past posts but didn’t know if my question had been posted before.
(please be kind to my ignorance…)

have you checked DNS Resolvers - Privacy Guides?

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Excellent. That is what I needed. Thank you!

I checked out DNS Resolvers and believe they may be serving the client on a local network.

I have been using DynDNS service for a DNS address. Again, the use case is that I can be outside my home network and log into my home accessing my Security PC and cameras. This allows me to get alerts to my phone on an app from the Security PC application (BlueIris).

I do not know if DynDNS is privacy focused or the least cost provider. It is an Oracle business that I have used since 2010 and the price has gone from $15 to $55 a year.

A recommendation is that I should be looking into a VPN service for privacy and my own use-case?

Is that what I am actually getting from DynDNS? Is it just a VPN using a “DNS” product name?

Wanted to answer this because I know we talked in private, and wanted to clear up any confusion I caused. Hopefully others will provide some insight.

The answer to your question is no. The DynDNS Updater offers extra functionality that the DNS providers PG reccommends do not offer. One way to replace that functionality, if you went with a PG reccommended DNS service, would be to setup a VPN tunnel to access your home network.


Gotcha. So I must be using this DynDNS service like a VPN. Wow, I have so much to learn. Thank you for this help!