DivestOS or Stock with Locked Bootloader on EOL Device

Hello! I have a question that I have been researching and could not decide what would be the best choice to go for.

I have an out of date device Xiaomi 10T Pro that I intend on using as a music player or as an entertainment device for traveling, both by plane and car (Europe and UK). I am wondering what is the best choice for this?

  • Use DivestOS (which is basically dead now)
  • LineageOS (which I don’t think is even an option worth considering)
  • Original Android and lock the bootloader
  • Other?

I do intend for this phone to connect only to Wi-Fi for Syncthing and Youtube. I think a locked bootloader is the best choice, but the latest stock Android version is Android 12 for it, while DivestOS supports Android 14 I believe. And I might use this in place of my actual phone when traveling by plane. I am thinking of trying stock Android and deleting all Google and Xiaomi stuff with ADB.

So what is the best option?

Thank you for the help

Since stock isn’t getting any updates, you might as well stick with DivestOS (or whatever OS is installed on your device) & relock the bootloader if the current Android version is capable of running all the apps that you use. If not, flashing Lineage (or any other well-maintained custom ROM for your device) sounds okay too.


Lineage, if it’s well maintained for the device

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That makes a lot of sense, I think I was over complicating it. It won’t have anything important on it anyways. Thank you very much!