Debunking fake stock Pixel OS vulnerability from an EDR company

They specifically mention why they claim this on back of a nothing burger article pushing marketing agenda:

  1. Stock Pixel OS no longer gives the same level of access to the active carrier.
  2. Guido, CEO of the company behind iVerify, has repeatedly called out charlatans in the infosec industry. It’s incredibly hypocritical to use the same tactics and expect not to be held to the same standard.
    • Ridiculous to falsely claim something is a backdoor and then get upset your EDR software remotely monitoring devices and opening up new security holes is called malware.
    • An app running within an increasingly strict sandbox trying to defend devices is an unworkable approach.
  3. Association with … Palantir.

I hate right-wing slogans, but: Facts don’t care about our feelings.