Consider adding a PG XMPP channel

Although PG has a Matrix channel, it doesn’t have an XMPP channel. Would the PG community support adding a PG XMPP channel?

PG’s Real-time Communications Best-Case criteria include:

Should be decentralized, i.e. federated or P2P.

We’ve seen the importance of decentralized services and a recent example of how quickly things could go wrong when one provider controls too much and their business decisions unexpectedly hinder the user community.

There are proven gateways Matrix ↔ XMPP so users would have the option of participating either through matrix’s server or any XMPP server. It would put into practice the Best-Case criteria and also give users more familiarity with a proven decentralized protocol.

What do you think about exploring the possibility of adding an XMPP channel for the PG community?

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Matrix already does this, what would XMPP do for us?

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