Concerns About's Privacy Claims

I wanted to bring attention to some concerning practices and claims made by, a company marketing itself as a privacy-focused communication solution. After investigating their website and public statements, I’ve found several red flags that I believe our community should be aware of:

Dubious Claims

  1. Sekur claims that “99.8% of all hacks are open source” without providing any supporting evidence. This statement contradicts widely accepted cybersecurity knowledge.
  2. They use buzzwords like “military grade end-to-end encryption” without substantiating these claims or providing technical details.

Lack of Transparency

  1. Sekur’s products are entirely proprietary and not open source, which they actually tout as a feature.
  2. There’s no evidence of third-party security audits for their products.

Website Issues

  1. Their website employs various trackers, including potential keyboard and mouse tracking. You can verify this using the Blacklight Report on Sekur.
  2. They use ads on their website, which seems at odds with their privacy-focused marketing.

Other Concerns

  1. They do not accept cryptocurrency payments, which might be important for some privacy-conscious users.


I’ve compiled some screenshots and archives to support these points:

I replied to this one:

Similar post was also covered in the Techlore forum by someone else. I wanted to add it here as well for better visibility.


Kinda hilarious how they try to spin being proprietary as a selling point


Sekur is just wild, they’re out here blocking people who are criticising them.


There are so mang of these. Just ignore it.


Looks like a honeypot. They use jargon to confuse people.
“100% company owned hardware” means they can probably read everything.
This is the next encrochat.


I was going to comment the same thing. This is exactly how a honeypot would market themselves to catch the “low hanging fruit” of people who don’t know any better.

I’d say that any brand/product that resorts to blocking people on social media is probably untrustworthy.


I am someone who works from the inside of Sekur. Your thoughts/assumptions about honeypots may seem valid as we all have been duped before across the net. Even if I can give you my assurances Sekur is not a honeypot, I am certain most of you won’t believe therefore, I won’t bother to attempt to convince.

I don’t control the social media side so I cannot state why people are being blocked, but I do not need to convince you that there are many keyboard warriors out there that are unhinged and spew a bunch of nonsense.

There are many advantages to closed source as there are similar disadvantages to open source. We have designed our app unlike what is out there so there is clearly mistrust with just words, I get that. We are working hard to provide all the details and within 2025 will have more information and details on our website.

No, we cannot view your data, the encryption is dedicated to your own account, even additional users within the same account do not use the same encryption. We will be releasing more information about our Virtual Vaults as to why and how this happens to protect your data.

Recognize that many of your assumptions and “evidence” are not supported by verified facts. yes, I will agree that the details are not clear and provided, and as someone who is working with them Im telling you to wait for the coming months as we are working to provide these details on our website. By stating them here means nothing, showing them on our website is another thing.

By the way, we are a publicly traded company - it does not take much to view the details of the assets or the company. We use ads to promote people to our website, but you are welcome to see how our website is designed.

I understand there is mistrust out there so painting everything with the same brush may make sense to some of you. I can say, from someone working on the inside I am seeing the momentum being built here and many larger organizations, and government agencies are already on board. If you ever done government contracts before you’ll understand how much of a pain it is to get them.

Lastly, I understand your reservations, but I can say this will be alleviated once we do our website update in Q1 of 2025.

How are you involved with the company?

Your post offered very little info other than ‘trust us’.

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Just seems like another scam company to throw on the pile.

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