Apartment landlords can force tenants to use specific ISPs under new FCC action | TechSpot

Title is a bit misleading, but here is a better explanation from the first two paragraphs.

FCC Chairman Brendan Carr has withdrawn a proposal to ban mandatory bulk billing arrangements for internet services in apartment buildings. This decision is a departure from the previous administration’s efforts to increase competition and consumer choice in the broadband market.

The proposal, originally put forward by former FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel in March 2024, sought to prohibit arrangements that required tenants to pay for specific internet services, even if they preferred alternative providers. Rosenworcel argued that such practices often lead to higher prices and limit choices for residents in apartments, condos, and public housing.

TLDR; The FCC originally wanted to give renters more choice over their ISP by banning mandatory bulk billing agreements. The proposal that detailed this action has been withdrawn by the current FCC chair.

My old apartment complex had one of these plans $75 a month for a symmetrical gigabit connection, with the caveat that if you even connect a network hub to it so you can split out to multiple devices, they’ll remove your connection and ban your device’s MAC from being able to connect again in the future. So if you want to run any home network setup at all you had to get a separate plan and still pay the mandatory $75 fee they charge.


Really? Where did you live? I have never heard of such a thing.

This is unfortunate. My last apartment changing ISPs unilaterally because we didn’t have our own independent choice was one of the main reasons I moved :upside_down_face:

Thats the ISP’s requirement not the complex. Tbe complex doesnt care, they just bill you enough to profit themselves on the deal.