Anonymity for Everyone: Why You Need Tor

Hey everyone! Here’s another video that we’ve been working on, this week we’re diving into the world of online anonymity! Tor is an important tool that is often misunderstood, so in this video we break down how it works and also some things to avoid while using the network.

I hope you enjoy the video, I’m looking forward to reading your comments and thoughts on the video :slight_smile:


I would like to leave and remind once more of a video/article suggestion I had to which no one disagreed or found fault with. I hope this is indeed made soon enough. Thanks!

I hope this is not considered an off topic comment.



Great video! One thought I have is in regards to all the moving text. It might just be me but sometimes it’s quite distracting since it moves around quickly and I don’t always have enough time to read it (if I’m even supposed to read it?).

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It was a great, great video! A lot of people need Tor now. I’ve been using it for 10 years, but it’s encouraging to see the general public becoming aware of it, and not just for “illegal stuff,” as it still has that reputation in some circles.

Tor is a great tool! But it’s not for everyone at all times for all things. It has its use cases and it also has its drawback and limitations when browsing.

Everyone should be aware of it and use it when necessary for select use cases or when they need extreme privacy/anonymity. But using it everyday for your browsing needs is impractical and more useless than useful.


Brave’s Tor window is also useful for sites which block you for using a VPN. For example, I use it for a news site.

I know that this Brave window is obviously not the same thing as the real Tor browser, but for a simple thing like reading anti-VPN news sites, it’s great.

But if I had to do anything very sensitive, I would use Tor on Linux, or Tor within Whonix or Tails.

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I’m surprised to hear that some websites block VPN users but not Tor users!