if we can offer silverblue or kinote why not promote a similar kind of ditro like opensuse MicroOS though they are going to change the name of it but it is immutable distro.

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I think MicroOS has a lot of promise (I am more interested in the server version, but I can see the appeal of the desktop spins as well).

That said, I have heard that full disk encryption is not yet officially supported and neither desktop version is production ready in the eyes of the OpenSUSE team (The KDE version is in Alpha and the Gnome version is a Release Candidate–so close but not there yet).

Check out past discussion:

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The download says it is release candidate but it is still very much feeling like early beta for me. I tried it somewhat recently.

Also it has been renamed Aeon for some time now.

Fedora despite the drama, sadly, is still a more superior product. I wouldnt push Aeon/MicroOS to more casual users.