Add AI Chat tools

They should use linux if they are in mac or windows they should switch to linux.
The same thing can be said about windows all does not use windows still many apps only have apps for windows.


If PGs only had solutions for Linux, it’d find itself without a casual audience very quickly.

Mozilla prepared a guide about AI tools in Privacy Not Included series.


The guide says to use which explicitely warns use that all their chat are considered public domain and can be released any time…

So besides DuckDuckGo AI and Brave Leo, HuggingChat seems to be another good option (no account needed and conversations will not be shared).


As far as hosted services go–apart from privacy-centric companies like Brave and DDG, Hugging Face and Groq (with a Q not a K) seem to be among the traditional options with better privacy policies at this point in time.

I’ve been experimenting with Firefox’s AI sidebar in Nightly on and off for the last couple months.

It’s still quite rough around the edges and experimental. The best part about it is that it enables you to use your own locally hosted models, as well as allows you to setup whatever custom option you want so long as the chatbot uses the right URL structure. So you aren’t limited to the preset options, and users can be as private or not private as desired.

Some of the things I’ve experimented with so far:

  1. Set it up to use my on-device open-webui + ollama instance.
  2. Set it up to use my own remotely hosted open-webui + ollama instance.
  3. Set it up to use an on-device Mozilla Llamafile
  4. Tested out Hugging Chat (Non-Local)
  5. Jerry-rigged it to work with Duck.AI (Non-Local). This same approach can be used in lots of creative (or weird) ways not limited to LLM specific stuff.
  6. Setup Open-webui to act as a frontend for hosted models that offer API access. Can be used to “passthrough” hosted models if desired.

Once both Firefox and Brave support local LLMs, I think adding a paragraph discussing local LLM integration in the browser would be very on-topic for this PR.


For the non-local options, it seems that most of the private ones were just trained on some dataset but don’t have to access to newer information nor can they perform a live web search and give you the links to the sources of the information.

So for example, DDG, HuggingChat or ChatGPT just reply with “offline” data while Copilot and Brave Leo will digest Bing and Brave search results respectively and give you relevant links to your query. If you ask about “what happened with the exploding pagers”, DDG, Huggingchat or ChatGPT will tell you about something that happened in the 1990s and Bing and Brave will tell you about yesterday’s incident in Lebanon.

That should be another consideration if a recommendation page is added. Maybe it’s worth having three categories for recommendations:

  1. Models and apps you can run locally on your computer
  2. Hosted AI Chat based on a fixed data set → DDG AI Chat, Hugging Chat
  3. Hosted AI Chat with live web search → Brave Leo (need to use their browser…)
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It’s absolutely not. Per their TOS, it does require qn account. While it can still be acessed without one, this is likely a bug that will be fixed soon.

2 and 3 are basically the same, no need for other categories. Since Brave is recommended, it doesn’t matter that you need to download it.

I will really need more people actually looking at the Github PR and reviewing it there, so it can go live. We can always make tweaks later.

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Thats not true. Hugging face has the ability to search on the internet and fetch the content of a url if you enable tools. HuggingChat - Tools
I can even use it on mobile with hugging chat PWA.

Edit: Chatgpt-4 also can search on the internet if it needs, or you can just simply ask search this on the internet or specific websites.

Edit 2: what happened with pagers prompt in hugging chat.


Thanks! I didn’t notice this option in HuggingChat.

You mean I tried it now and it won’t let me use it without an account. Worked yesterday.

I was talking about Hugging Chat.

What do you mean ? Does a non mod like me has any power to approve a pr in the github ? Is my voice has power jn the github ? I’d prefer having an ai than not. Just makensure to explain that ai is still experimental and an unco strained beast, and youre doimd this just for harm reduction. I think its better to suggest something even if not perdect.

I got a rate limit warning on HuggingChat and it wouldn’t let me enter a prompt, but it went away after deleting the cookies :man_shrugging: