

I left this forum because it was wrong for the moderator (@Valynor) to engage in deleting completely normal comments.
I left a comment in this thread which was referring to some person who behaved somewhat arrogantly, and I left a helpful link to a guide on Brave browser hardening in that same comment. I can’t recall 100% word for word what I wrote, but it was almost identical to this:

While I agree that %user_name% behaved somewhat arrogant, I think it is appropriate to give sources/links only when it takes too long to find something, or it is too difficult for some reasons. When I make a search for something and it returns me relevant results right on the first page — giving links/sources is not necessary.
I think this is the guide they meant: [here was a link to the guide]

@Valynor then deleted this comment of mine, along with the comment of the person who was misbehaving a little, and along with comments of other people. I can’t speak for other people, but specifically my post also contained a useful link, which the moderator shouldn’t have removed. Read further ↓
I then noticed that the moderator deleted my comment without any notice and without editing my comment instead of deleting it altogether. The mod could have simply edited my comment to remove this part:

While I agree that %user_name% behaved somewhat arrogant,

and leave only the informative part with the link.

After I noticed that the moderator deleted my comment, I wrote to them in that same thread (again: I can’t recall word by word, but it was almost identical to this):

Removed along with a useful link… There wasn’t anything offending in my post. Did you remove it by accident?

Later, when the moderator got online — they simply removed this comment without answering it, explaining the deletion of my first comment with a link, or any communication with me at all.

I will not participate in a forum where moderators are on a power trip, or possibly simply feel superior due to having a “higher” rank of being a moderator. This forum has a lot of extremely knowledgeable and good people, so I’m saddened by having to leave and by stopping interaction with them, but I’m not going to tolerate injustice on the moderator’s part either. I don’t want to participate in a forum while knowing that my completely normal and informative comments can be removed any time, for no reason, and with no further communication with me. This is a wrong behavior.