Remove Skiff Mail

I’m sorry, but this is nonsensical. Skiff has made either as or stronger security decisions as every other secure mail provider listed. The only change we should move towards is greater interoperability, which we are. Skiff Pages already offers this.

Compromised clients is not part of the threat model of using any of the listed email services.

Skiff cannot access your emails. Other providers choose the term “zero-knowledge” encryption which is even more misleading and made-up. “Skiff cannot access your emails” is a far more honest term than “stored with zero-knowledge encryption,” which is not a cryptographic term.

Anyway, this post seems to be venting generally about a specific issue that unfortunately seems to need better terms and education about the “encrypted email” or “end-to-end encrypted email” product category.

We absolutely never conflate E2EE and encryption at rest. When we say "Skiff cannot store your emails, we do not mean encryption at rest. We mean, as we stated in that thread, in our security model, and in every other public comment, that this means public-key cryptography - keeping your data private to you.

BTW - it seems like you joined this forum to post about this specific grievance. I’d advise reading Skiff Mail (Email Provider) - #173 by amilich - the most viewed and most commented thread on the forum - where we walked through hundreds of comments, discussed many of these definitions, and made changes to our product over a year to support this community.