NextDNS logging is opt-out, not opt-in as stated on PG's DNS Resolvers recommendations page

Neither of which are implemented in any OS resolver or browser to my knowledge. RFC9230 was marked as experimental in June 2022. DNSCrypt v3 is still a draft in early stages.

Apparently not , the provider just needs to retain a list of them. Though on this I am no GDPR expert. It also seems it depends on the complexity of the product. @ph00lt0 would be able to give a better answer I am sure.

Damn reddit sucks, blocking all VPNs now. and links.

I sent them an email and made the suggestion. There isn’t much more I can do.

Calm down i haven’t insulted you. I just pointed a few things out from how it looks.

No, you would be in a position though to suggest what specific types of data would not be a simple counter however. That way you’re presenting us with a fact to convince us of your position.