Ladybird Browser

They are shooting for an alpha release in summer 2026. But that sounds pretty ambitious.

It is possible to test now, but probably not very useful at this point since its so far off from even an alpha release (especially considering they might be rewriting Ladybird in another language). There are some youtube videos that’ll give a rough idea of where they currently are. Brodie Robertson has a decent high level overview of Ladybird, this other video shows the current state of Ladybird in more depth, but is a bit premature in some of its criticisms in my eyes.

One thing I’m curious about is whether any of the 7 current developers have expertise specifically on security and privacy. This would be a positive signal to me, The attractiveness of a hypothetical new browser engine to me, is in large part that it could be designed with privacy and security at its core, from the start, and by design. Prioritizing security and privacy from the start could pay big dividends down the road, as it seems it is often a lot harder and a lot slower to make changes after the fact once you are constrained by the sum of all your previous design decisions.