EU Proposal for Chat Control for fighting CSAM

I believe it would be beneficial for us to focus our efforts on fostering a more structured and engaged civil society, with the aim of creating a more positive perception of law enforcement among the public.

I respect your approach, but I wonder if it is the most effective in addressing the complex challenges we face. I do agree that instances of oppression, abuse of power, and corruption have affected many nations around the world.

The very concept of having a built in method to decrypt E2EE messaging services defeats the whole point of encryption. If the argument is that decrypting suspected illegal messages is a good thing but keep everything else secret, then you might as well argue for the use of a service thats not encrypted. Who decides the requirements to be deemed necessary, who determines when thos requirements are met, and then who decides when exceptions can be made for “National Security” arguments. This is why whatsapp is threatening to leave the UK and India and Signal is threatening to leave the UK. Backdooring encryption defeats the point and puts all users at risk.

This is a very idealistic view of a possible future that is most likely not possible. Corruption always has and always will exist. There is no such thing as “an incorruptible body” as nice as one would be.

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I am ready to throw the dice