EU Proposal for Chat Control for fighting CSAM

Foreign Ministry??? Hmmm…

These laws are, maliciously or not, extremely poorly thought out because this kind of E2EE breakage is simply unenforceable without affecting literally every form of encryption - the best comparison I have heard about this is that it’s comparable to banning a branch of mathematics.


Tuta sat down with Patrick Breyer MEP to discuss the details of this dangerous piece of legislation being pushed by the EU Council.

The vote has been moved from tomorrow to Thursday June 20th. If we stay active we can stop Chat Control.

Get loud and let the EU Council know that we will not accept mass surveillance. :fist:


Anyone looking to take action and stand up against mass surveillance can learn more here: Council to greenlight Chat Control – Take action now! – Patrick Breyer

The vote has been postponed until Thursday. Let’s be loud, keep up the momentum, and together we can stop Chat Control!


@Tuta_Official thank you for the interview, very insightful

@dngray @jonah could Privacy Guides sign the petition ?

Latest news is that Sweden will vote in favour of chat control, so most likely there won’t be enough votes against it to stop it

But I still don’t understand how this will be implemented in p2p and federated services (e.g. briar, xmpp), and client apps that can be downloaded from various sources?

Nobody does, the EU Commission & Council seem to believe in magic.


And Signal will not follow it (i.e. will stop operating in EU) if it passes.
So I suppose I will be switching to Briar, Jami or some xmpp/matrix solution

Though there was the case when Google removed Element from playstore as some people used some servers for illegal stuff. So they might do the same as soon as enough reports are sent.

Not to mention custom ROMs and that they might force providers to block them if they lack some “security” features. Similar as some banking apps are doing.

I think I’ll buy bunch of old computers and phones to use them in following years

Signal will withdraw from the EU but will still be available by configuring a direct proxy from the application, like other countries where they are banned.


This is not about being able to use X, or download X . Your family&friends need to be able to use them to do so! Please call your reps, or at least contact them.

I personnaly will be protesting at the Council, contact me if you want to join


The vote is today!

We need to be as loud as possible to signal to these politicians that we do not support mass surveillance. We cannot stop fighting. Please take action: Council to greenlight Chat Control – Take action now! – Patrick Breyer


The vote on Chat Control has been removed from the agenda and will not be voted upon.

Thank you everyone who voiced their concerns! Let’s not fall complacent, the debate is not over.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: EU Council has withdrawn the vote on Chat Control

The EU Commission FINALLY admits on record that its CSARegulation proposal would break encryption, as Vera Jourova’s comments at EDPS Summit. This contradicts 3 years of YlvaJohansson’s : “CSAR doesn’t break encryption.”


I hate how terrifying the prospect of breaking encryption is, yet every year a bill is forwarded through governments to break encryption, and we all have to suffer through the question of “What if it gets passed?”.

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China, Russia, Iran, the EU, what difference does it make now, this time the law will pass and if not tomorrow then the next time and again and again until it does, I’ve given up hope a long time ago already, I just hope that Signal, Threema etc won’t let us down completely and that they’ll put in place a way of getting round it.

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What does this mean exactly? If they vote tomorrow and it passes, it will immediately become law?

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We are in the EU still living in a democracy -, and that’s why we need to fight for it. And we have the chances that dissent isn’t a crimen unlike the i-others countries mentionned, so let’s speak up.